Integrating microbes, genetics, and molecular biology to prevent cardiovascular disease
The Hypertension Research Laboratory
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Some of our favourite papers include
Jama HA, Snelson M, Schutte AE, Muir J, MARQUES FZ*. Recommendations for the Use of Dietary Fiber to Improve Blood Pressure Control. Hypertension. 2024. [Read here]
Marques FZ. Rethinking Culture to Unlock the Potential of Medical Research. Hypertension. 2024;81(1):110-113. [Read here]
O'Donnell JA, Zheng T, Meric G, Marques FZ. The gut microbiome and hypertension. Nature Reviews Nephrology. 2023;19(3):153-167. [Read here]
Jama HA, Rhys-Jones D, Nakai M, Yao CK, Climie RE, Sata Y, Anderson D, Creek DJ, Head GA, Kaye DM, Mackay CR, Muir J, Marques FZ. Prebiotic intervention with HAMSAB in untreated essential hypertensive patients assessed in a phase II randomized trial. Nature Cardiovascular Research. 2023; 2:35-43. [Read here]
Chapman N, Thomas EE, Tan JTM, Inglis SC, Wu JHY, Climie RE, Picone DS, Blekkenhorst LC, Wise SG, Mirabito Colafella KM, Calkin AC, Marques FZ. A roadmap of strategies to support cardiovascular researchers: from policy to practice. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2022 Nov;19(11):765-777. [Read here]
Nakai M, Ribeiro RV, Stevens BR, Gill P, Muralitharan RR, Yiallourou S, Muir J, Carrington M, Head GA, Kaye DM, Marques FZ. Essential Hypertension Is Associated With Changes in Gut Microbial Metabolic Pathways: A Multisite Analysis of Ambulatory Blood Pressure. Hypertension. 2021 Sep;78(3):804-815. [Read here]
Mirzayi C, Renson A; Genomic Standards Consortium; Massive Analysis and Quality Control Society, Zohra F, Elsafoury S, Geistlinger L, Kasselman LJ, Eckenrode K, van de Wijgert J, Loughman A, Marques FZ, MacIntyre DA, Arumugam M, Azhar R, Beghini F, Bergstrom K, Bhatt A, Bisanz JE, Braun J, Bravo HC, Buck GA, Bushman F, Casero D, Clarke G, Collado MC, Cotter PD, Cryan JF, Demmer RT, Devkota S, Elinav E, Escobar JS, Fettweis J, Finn RD, Fodor AA, Forslund S, Franke A, Furlanello C, Gilbert J, Grice E, Haibe-Kains B, Handley S, Herd P, Holmes S, Jacobs JP, Karstens L, Knight R, Knights D, Koren O, Kwon DS, Langille M, Lindsay B, McGovern D, McHardy AC, McWeeney S, Mueller NT, Nezi L, Olm M, Palm N, Pasolli E, Raes J, Redinbo MR, Rühlemann M, Balfour Sartor R, Schloss PD, Schriml L, Segal E, Shardell M, Sharpton T, Smirnova E, Sokol H, Sonnenburg JL, Srinivasan S, Thingholm LB, Turnbaugh PJ, Upadhyay V, Walls RL, Wilmes P, Yamada T, Zeller G, Zhang M, Zhao N, Zhao L, Bao W, Culhane A, Devanarayan V, Dopazo J, Fan X, Fischer M, Jones W, Kusko R, Mason CE, Mercer TR, Sansone SA, Scherer A, Shi L, Thakkar S, Tong W, Wolfinger R, Hunter C, Segata N, Huttenhower C, Dowd JB, Jones HE, Waldron L. Reporting guidelines for human microbiome research: the STORMS checklist. Nat Med. 2021 Nov;27(11):1885-1892. [Read here]
Kaye DM, Shihata WA, Jama HA, Tsyganov K, Ziemann M, Kiriazis H, Horlock D,Vijay A, Giam B, Vinh A, Johnson C, Fiedler A, Donner D, Snelson M, Coughlan MT,Phillips S, Du XJ, El-Osta A, Drummond G, Lambert GW, Spector TD, Valdes AM,Mackay CR, Marques FZ. Deficiency of Prebiotic Fiber and Insufficient SignalingThrough Gut Metabolite-Sensing Receptors Leads to Cardiovascular Disease.Circulation. 2020 Apr 28;141(17):1393-1403. [Read here]
Marques FZ, Jama HA, Tsyganov K, Gill PA, Rhys-Jones D, Muralitharan RR, Muir J, Holmes A, Mackay CR. Guidelines for Transparency on Gut Microbiome Studies in Essential and Experimental Hypertension. Hypertension, 2019;74:1279–1293. [Read here]
Beale AL, Kaye DM, Marques FZ. The role of the gut microbiome in sex differences in arterial pressure. Biology of Sex Differences. 2019; 10:22. [Read here]
Marques FZ, Mackay CR, Kaye DM. Beyond gut feelings: how the gut microbiota regulates blood pressure. Nat Rev Cardiol. 2018 Jan;15(1):20-32. [Read here]
Marques FZ, Nelson E, Chu PY, Horlock D, Fiedler A, Ziemann M, Tan JK, Kuruppu S, Rajapakse NW, El-Osta A, Mackay CR, Kaye DM. High-Fiber Diet and Acetate Supplementation Change the Gut Microbiota and Prevent the Development of Hypertension and Heart Failure in Hypertensive Mice. Circulation. 2017 Mar 7;135(10):964-977. [Read here]